Install Kaali linux in windows

 Install Kaali linux
Watch this video

If mounting failed try these steps

Open Shell form installaion

Type below command and list the drives


mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 cdrom/

Now Move ahead

You can also try


How do I resolve Kali Linux dual boot installation problem ? An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and chose something else . The failing step is : Select and install the software.

If you are trying to install Kali Linux through a bootable USB drive then you might have seen this error and the reason is behind this error is Windows Defender or any other anti-virus software you are using. When you were preparing your bootable USB drive you should had to stop real time protection and turn the anti-virus off. If you are interested to know in detail about this error you can read detailed article on Cybertaleem website

I recceived Intallation steps failed many times
and keep on resinstall again and again, After 4-5 attempts it gets installed
But Gui not installed i came up with terminal
